12 Weeks AWS Workshop Challenge

The End

Ntombizakhona Mabaso
1 min readFeb 8, 2024

All Good Things Must Come to An End

The 12 Weeks AWS Workshop Challenge has been an exciting Chapter in my Cloud Journey that gave me the opportunity to focus on producing technical content.

I definitely underestimated just how much research, and effort goes into transforming your thoughts into words that will be easily perceived and dissected by other people, but I now appreciate Technical Writers even more.

…And, just like Paula Ali Wakabi continuously iterated in the live sessions (I am paraphrasing here), but the message is the same:

Teaching Others Means that You Get to Learn Multiple Times.

Therefore, to learn, you must teach: and this will make you learn more, which will make you teach more. Life is truly an infinite learning process.

Credit Where Credit is Due

I would like to congratulate Paula Ali Wakabi, Chi Che, Prasad Rao, and the other contributing speakers who participated in making this challenge possible.

It was exactly what I needed.

The sessions were delivered on time, seamlessly, with no hiccups. Seeing them week after week made me appreciate the process, loyalty and commitment that comes with running an AWS User Group and I wish them success in all their future endeavors!



Ntombizakhona Mabaso
Ntombizakhona Mabaso

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